We want everyone to be happy with their experience at Bristol SU. However, if things go wrong, we want you to be able to let us know.
We welcome feedback, and see it as an opportunity to help us understand how we can achieve our vision, mission and values. We use all feedback to help us improve.
If you have any feedback about your experience at Bristol SU please email bristolsu-complaints@bristol.ac.uk explaining:
We will do our best to respond to all feedback but we will always take that feedback and pass it on to the relevant staff member or elected officer to review.
If possible we will let you know if we have been able to resolve your feedback.
If you have a request about a refund or a general enquiry please email bristolsu@bristol.ac.uk.
If you have a complaint about Bristol SU, wherever possible and safe to do so, please try and resolve the complaint yourself or by speaking to a Bristol SU staff member.
Where that is not possible or if you are unhappy with the response, we will resolve complaints using a formal process that includes a thorough and fair investigation. The Bristol SU Complaints Policy should be used if you feel the Bristol SU Student Code of Conduct has been breached.
You can find further information on this, including a guide to using our complaints procedure, through our student conduct and complaints centre. Please use the 'Make a Complaint' button below to make a formal complaint using the appropriate form.
Please Note:
We will only be able to consider your complaint if it is:
1. Related to Bristol SU (not University of Bristol), and;
2. ideally within 14 working days (Mon – Fri) of the incident.
If you have issues accessing or completing this form, please send a message to bristolsu-complaints@bristol.ac.uk.
For complaints about the University of Bristol (including academic matters, or University of Bristol services), you will need to use the University’s Student Complaints Procedure.
If your complaint is about unacceptable behaviour, including sexual misconduct, you can use the Student Resolution Service (SRS)
If an investigation is still required, we will assign an Investigating Officer and inform you of their name and contact details and they will get in touch to go through the process.
If your complaint relates to serious criminal behavior, we may refer the matter to the police or University or support you to do this.
As outlined in the Complaints Policy:
Your email should state the reason why you are appealing the decision which was made and what outcome you are seeking
The appeal will be considered by the Chief Executive or their nominee and two members of the Trustee Board. They will consider the basis of the complaint as it was originally submitted and the process that was followed.
The appeals panel decision is final and there are no further appeals processes.