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Time to Vote

Voting closes in:



03 Feb - 20 Feb


10 Mar - 13 Mar

SU HomepageVote Now!Group Leaderboard

The Bristol SU Elections are here!

It only takes five minutes to decide who takes on the direction and priorities of your SU for a whole academic year.

Vote week is your chance to make sure your voice is heard and decide who will best improve university life for the communities you care about.

Our SU Officers are extremely influential in the direction of what we and the university do. Their opinions are presented to the university, local council, and even government to drive change for students. So, it’s important to vote for a candidate who has similar ideas and values to you, to ensure that you feel represented. After all, when elected, these are the people who will speak and act for you.

Exercise your democratic right and choose the person that best represents you by voting now!

Election Rules Election FAQs

How does Bristol SU represent your academic interests?

Your academic interests are at the core of all that we do here at Bristol SU!

As students, you may face various issues that affect your education. To resolve these issues, and create positive change, you will need support in voicing any concerns you have to University staff and senior management.

Our student voice structure, which runs right the way from your volunteer course reps to your Undergraduate and Postgraduate Full Time Officers, means that your voice has a platform, and these issues can be heard and addressed.

Vote now! Voting closes at 9pm on Thursday March 13th