At Bristol we have over 800 student representatives who are here to represent your academic interests and make sure you’re getting the most from your education. Academic Reps are the elected students who represent their cohorts on academic issues to the University and help make positive change to improve the student experience.
Find your Course/PGR Rep with our Rep Finder and see what your Faculty Rep is working on below, or head to this page to learn more about the Academic Representation system at Bristol.
Faculty Reps represent the issues and priorities of students in their faculty to staff at both faculty and university level. They do this by gathering feedback from Course Reps and other students, chairing Faculty Student Staff Liaison Committee meetings, joining Bristol SU’s Student Representatives' Assembly alongside SU democratic events and some Faculty Reps also represent students at University committees like Senate.
Bhavni Joshi
What I'm working on:
Yogadhveep Arora
What I'm working on:
Dan Smith
What I'm working on:
Jo-Jo Vyvyan Jones
What I'm working on:
Jordan Fung
What I'm working on:
Continue to achieve the priorities in my manifesto
Cooperate with other UG Faculty Reps to achieve common goals
Collaborate with Full-Time Officers to achieve the collective priorities
Assessment and feedback
Changing of the Structure of the Academic Year (SAY)
Faculty merger
Ananya Agroya
What I'm working on:
Marking Criteria & Assessments – Advocating for clearer marking guidelines to ensure students fully understand expectations and feedback
Communication Between Students & Staff – Encouraging more responsive communication by promoting Teams messages, lecturer introductions for student reps, and alternative feedback channels like Google Forms.
Word Limit Policies – Addressing concerns over strict word limits that restrict comprehensive academic discourse, pushing for more flexibility where needed.
Mingjie Zhang
Kretika Arora
Tom Parry
Yuqi Cao
What I'm working on:
Planning a Life Sciences Focused Career event
Continuing to reach out to Course and School reps for feedback
Lilian Sudi
Khushi Khetan
What I'm working on:
Vicky Coules
What I'm working on:
Communications to PGRs
Signposting for PGR students
Accessibility of study spaces
Ola Al-Khuraybi
Anna Pathmanathan
What I'm working on:
Sam Appleyard-Sanderson
Zvikomborero Maziyanhanga
What I'm working on:
Mental wellbeing support available for research students.
Research training needs for PGR students.
Availability of conducive academic research spaces/offices
Hongzhe Yan