Welcome to University of Bristol Pottery Society
We are a laid back, sociable society with a fully equipped studio dedicated to Pottery in the Student Union. This will give you the chance to come in your own time and try your skills at hand-building and throwing.
For people new to pottery, Beginner lessons are mandatory. This is because they will help you to learn the ropes of potting and also how our studio runs so that the room is kept in ship-shape. After your induction in your first couple of classes, you are then free to use the studio whenever classes are not running.
We run 2 courses of beginner lessons each year, one in September and one in January.
Beginners 2024/25:
Because spaces are so limited, we are running the beginners membership sign up the following way:
We will be randomly picking people who put their names forward using a random number generator (think raffle). This is the fairest way possible, and will mean that people don’t have to worry that the tickets will sell out in seconds. To put your name forward, you can fill in a form for the draw. The link to this will be on our SU page. There will be 20 memberships released in this batch. We will then let everyone know whether they have been picked on the evening of January 20th.
You can put your name forward from Monday 13th until 1pm on the 20th of January. We will inform the winners of the draw on the evening of the 20th. To enter, fill in the survey linked here. This form will open on Monday 13th.
The beginners’ course will consist of 3 hand-building/glazing sessions, and 2 throwing/turning sessions. There will be 2 groups - dates tbc.
The throwing lessons will be 2 consecutive evenings with groups of up to 4 people, and the dates for this will be organised separately with the groups to ensure everyone is able to do them.
Memberships will cost £85 - this includes the course and the membership (which will be valid until 31/08/25). Membership includes studio access and all materials (clay, glazes, tools, etc).
You must pay within 48 hours of being offered the membership - otherwise, we will offer the membership to someone else. This ensures that all of the places on the course are full, so we can offer the full capacity of lessons.
If you have any questions, please either DM us or email us!
We may be able to organise subsidised memberships - please contact us if this is something you would like to enquire about.
To keep up with everything going on this year please join our mailing list here: http://eepurl.com/gDPme5
Instagram: https://instagram.com/bristolunipotterysoc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
We will email a link to the members' whatsapp once membership is confirmed. This is where we do most of our communication.
Information on Membership for 2024/25:
Our society currently offers:
Membership is primarily made available to University of Bristol Students but a small number of memberships are reserved for associate members of the student union (non-students). To be able to buy membership/courses as a non-student you must first apply for associate membership of Bristol Students Union here where you will also be able to see if you are eligible.
To be kept up to date please join our mailing list.
Pottery Society Committee 2024-25:
If you have any question for the committee, please contact them on bristoluni.potterysociety@gmail.com
Proud to be supported by Bristol SU.
Click here to view terms and conditions
Prior to signing up to a Club or Society speak to the Committee to find out what your membership includes and if there are any further expenses throughout the year.
All Club or Society members can expect to receive:
When joining a club or society you are agreeing to abide by the constitution, general rules, regulations and policies of University of Bristol Students’ Union and also the Club or Society Code of Conduct which sets out the level of behaviour & discipline expected of all Club & Society members.
Any customer who pays for a membership subscription to a Bristol SU Society, Sports Club, Student Media and initiatives has a 14 day cooling off period from the time and date of purchase during which they have the right to cancel the subscription and receive a full refund. If you do decide to cancel within the 14 days, Bristol SU will refund your payment within a further 30 days of the cancellation. To request a refund please email: bristolsu@bristol.ac.uk
Please be aware that Bristol SU may share data relating to the members of its sports clubs with the Centre for Sport, Exercise and Health (a department of the University). This information may be used for the purposes of communicating direct with these members and/or to cross-reference against SEH's Sports Pass membership records.
As part of Bristol SU's membership of British Universities & Colleges Sports (BUCS) Bristol SU may have to share data on to its sports clubs members so BUCS can, from time to time, communicate with these members.
If you're joining one of the societies listed below please be aware that your name and email address will be shared with Bristol Hub for the purpose of keeping you up to date with their activities through their email “The Week”:
AIESEC Bristol, AMICUS Bristol, Anti-Slavery Society, Bristol Feminists, Bristol Friends of MSF, Bristol Marrow, Bristol Social Enterprise Society, Bristol Student Action for Refugees, Bristol University Amnesty International, Conservation Group, Bristol University Oxfam Group, Bristol University Sustainability Team, Bristol Volunteers for Development Abroad, Engineers Without Borders, Howard League for Penal Reform Student Society, International Affairs Society, Medsin Bristol, Model United Nations, and Vegetarian and Vegan Society.
Pottery Society Fair Use Policy
All members of the University of Bristol Pottery Society must agree to partake in ‘fair’ use of the pottery room. This is defined as:
1. No more than 8 hours usage of the pottery room per week;
2. No commercial selling of pots, although special circumstances will be considered by the committee;
3. Consideration of the society as a student group when using supplies, particularly concerning the size of pots which must be less than 30 cm high and 40 cm wide and of a reasonable thickness;
4. A commitment to leave the room in a clean and tidy state.
For more information on Bristol Hub visit: http://www.bristolhub.org.
If you do not want your details shared with the Hub please email: bristolsu@bristol.ac.uk.
These terms shall be governed by English law and are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. Nothing in these terms shall exclude liability for fraudulent misrepresentation.