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Elections 2025: What are the roles?

Friday 07-02-2025 - 10:07

It’s that time of year again and nominations are officially open!

We have a range of roles available to students who wish to make a lasting impact at the university. From full-time paid positions to voluntary roles, there is something for everyone who wants to make a change - you just need to find the right one for you!

Understanding the student voice stucture: 

Each academic year at Bristol presents different opportunities and challenges for students, so those currently studying must come forward as a leading voice.

We have developed a student voice structure to make sure those students have a platform to raise their voice. This stems from volunteer Course Reps to our Full-Time, paid Officers. Did you there are over 900 elected representatives altogether?

Whether it’s your first year at the university, or you’ve waited right until the end of your time at Bristol to apply, it’s time to take the leap and lead in one of these briliant roles. 

What is a Full Time Officer?

Every March, seven Full Time officers are elected by the student body and paid to work full-time to lead Bristol SU for a year. These officers are a crucial part of the SU structure and help improve your experiences at the University of Bristol

Union Affairs Officer

In this role, you’ll hold core responsibility of representing the interests of students. You’ll meet with university executive management often and give students’ voices a platform. You may also find yourself working with 350+ student groups so they get the most out of the SU. 

Read the full job description here

Student Living Officer

If you’re passionate about all thing’s student life – accommodation, health, and well-being, then this role is the one for you! Working alongside SU colleagues, this officer is involved in campaigns and projects with groups such as Bristol Drugs Project, University Sustainability and Student Action. You’ll also ensure students have access to advice in all areas which may impact their experience as a student, whilst representing them in important conversations with support services. This includes helping to shape the important Housing Advice Service coming soon to Bristol SU! 

Read the full job description here

Equality, Liberation and Access Officer

Have you found some student voices aren’t heard as much as others, and you want to do something about that? Then you’re the person for this role. As the Equality, Liberation and Access Officer you’ll be responsible for representing marginalised or under-represented groups and striving for change. You’ll inform new policies and guarantee that students from communities such as the Women’s, Black students, BAME, LGBTQ+, Trans, Disabled Students and Multifaith societies are supported and developed. 

Read the full job description here

Sport and Student Development Officer

If you’re passionate about extra-curricular activities and encouraging students to get active outside of the classroom, then this is your role. You’ll liaise with the University Centre for Sport, Exercise and Health, in addition to overseeing the organisation and promotion of sports clubs, varsity, and other activities like the intramural programme Get Active, Fit and Fabulous.  Also, don't forget Derby Day! This is your chance to show how imprtant sport is for students while at University!

Read the full job description here

Undergraduate Education Officer

Calling all undergraduate students! Maybe you were a course representative before, or you have a desire to represent the academic interests of your peers? Or perhaps you’re tired of spending hours trawling for a seat in the library and want to do something about that?
Well, in this role you will have the chance to ensure that sufficient academic and welfare-related support is in place for undergraduates. You will also lead and empower undergraduate Course and Faculty Reps so that their interests are represented within the University Student Services.

Read the full job description here

Postgraduation Education Officer

Once you reach postgraduate level, you have a good understanding of how university works, but often you might feel like your experience feels a little different. If you have concerns over how your postgraduate peers are taught or supported, then this could be the one for you. This role supports the postgraduate student community to offer a variety of social events and activities for this group (who said Welcome Week is only for undergraduates?), whilst shaping a more inclusive space across the SU.

Look at the full job description here

International Students’ Officer

Making a move abroad for university can be daunting for many students. If you have ideas on how to reduce homesickness or make the university a more welcoming and inclusive space, then this is the perfect role for you. In this position, you can champion the inclusion of international members and campaign against discrimination and barriers. You will also support and develop societies and student groups which champion international students, in addition to empowering other elected representatives across our studnet voice structure.

Find out more here

Are there any other roles available?

If you’re not ready for the world of full-time work, but you will want to make an impact, then we have plenty of opportunities for you to bring those bright ideas to life. 

Here are some of the other roles available:

Student Community Organiser

We’ve got six new, paid positions for students who are passionate about connecting campaigns across campus and building power amongst their peers. Bristol SU will provide training with Citizens UK too. Student Community Organisers are leaders of change within the student body. They work collaboratively to connect student communities across the University and foster a unified approach to identifying and addressing the issues students face.

There are two roles are ‘open roles’, meaning any student can run. The remaining four are reserved for students from specific communities and you must identify with that community to run. These communities represent Disabled Students communities, Global Majority communities, LGBTQ+ communities, and Women’s communities.

To find out more about these new roles, see here

Faculty Representative 

If you would like to lead students in your faculty, chair your Faculty Student Staff Liaison Committee, or even help make change across your whole faculty of students – then consider becoming a Faculty Representative! Within this paid role, you will be able to coordinate feedback from course reps and build a team of representation throughout your faculty. 

See the full undergraduate job description here.

See the full postgraduate job description here.

Course Representative

If you know exactly what your course needs to take it to the next level, then you could be the person to represent the academic interests of your (undergraduate) peers. You’ll attend Student Staff Liaison Committees and make changes to your course for the better. This includes ensuring you have access to the right services, seeing action being made on feedback, and much more!

See the full job description here

Chair of Student Council

The Chair of the Student Council is a key SU representative on democracy, ensuring that our democratic processes are fair, transparent and engaging for the student body.

See the full job description here

Student Trustee

In this role, students bring their voice and experience to the table. Working with the board, you’ll help make decisions for the best interest of both current and future members.

See the full job description here


Wow, that was a lot of information!

We hope that this has provided you with everything you need to know on the roles offered in this election and has inspired you to nominate yourself.

It’s time to Lead, don’t miss out!

If you have any questions, or require any more information, get in touch with us at 


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