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Elections Results 2025

Friday 14-03-2025 - 14:34

A record-breaking election for Bristol SU is complete! 

Over the past 4 days a huge 9,212 students had their say as elections come to an end for another year. 

Not only have we seen our highest-ever numbers of students voting, but it's also been one of (if not the) highest voter % in the country with an amazing 29.3% voter turnout! 

More importantly, you have had your say on who could make Bristol SU and the university experience better! 

Before we announce this year’s winners, a huge congratulations to all the candidates who put themselves up for a role. The effort that you have all put in has been extraordinary, with banners, posters and some brilliant outreach speaking to potential voters about what you care about on campus! Each one of those conversations has made a difference and you should all be immensely proud of yourselves for the hard work you have put in. You have had a hugely positive impact on results, and therefore improvement to the lives of Bristol Students - no matter the outcome. Thank you! 

And so, as the results are in, let's find out who your newly elected representatives are for the 2025/26 academic year...

Full Time Officers

Union Affairs Officer

Katie Poyner

Manifesto Highlights:

  • Transparency; Katie wants to make sure that the SU remains accountable, open and ensures that decisions are student-led. 
  • Empowerment; Katie wants to make sure that there are more study and social spaces across campus. This includes making sure that every student feels supported. 
  • Affordability; Katie is committed to fight for lower costs for students whether this be on campus or on a national level. 

Katie Poyner has been re-elected as the Union Affairs officer for the second year running and will continue making progress in key areas of her role. 

Undergraduate Education Officer

Mia Stevens 

Manifesto Highlights:

  • Mia wants to continue enhancing the quality of assessment feedback
  • Alleviating the financial barriers to higher education is a priority for Mia 
  • Employability: Mia wants to make sure that there is a higher level of employability within the curriculum for all students. 

Mia Stevens has been re-elected as the Undergraduate Education Officer.  She wants to encourage a high level of inclusivity, empathy and kindness across all areas of undergraduate education.

Postgraduate Education Officer

Sharan Khemlani (Yashika)

Manifesto Highlights:

  • Opportunities for Growth; Sharan wants to create exclusive spaces and platforms for postgraduate students. For example, working with careers service for more networking events. 
  • Support; Life as a postgraduate can be challenging. Sharan wants to establish spaces for social connection, developing skills and increase postgraduate representation across academic student groups. 
  • Real-world Experience: In her role, Sharan wants to push for more hands-on learning opportunities like summer placements so that postgraduate students are more careers ready when they graduate. 

We are so excited to welcome Sharan to Bristol SU.  She wants to build on her core values to improve the life for postgraduate students while at University. 

Equality, Liberation and Access Officer

Linlu Ye

Manifesto Highlights:

  • Build on her successes; Linlu is joining Bristol SU for her second term and wants to continue building on some of her wins.
  • Free Period Products; As part of her role as ELA Officer, Linlu wants to make her Free Period Product scheme permanent.
  • Nighttime Safety; Linlu wants to improve nighttime safety, expand bystander training.
  • Accessibility; Linlu wants to create safe spaces for global issue discussions and enhance accessibility on campus.

Linlu will be joining us again next year at Bristol SU as the ELA Officer. Building on some of her work from this year is one of her main priorities, and expand into new areas such as improving night-time safety measures and providing a space for global discussion.

International Students Officer

Jessie Yeung 

Manifesto Highlights:

  • Visa Support; Jessie is keen to improve visa support before, during and after university as this is an issue which is challenging for so many international students. 
  • Real Financial Support; Jessie wants to work to improve the financial support that international students receive from bursaries and scholarships. 
  • Homesickness; Being thousands of miles away from home, a lot of international students struggle with homesickness – but Jessie wants to change this! By providing more activities and specialised support for international students. 

After a tightly fought ballot, Jessie is your new International Officer for 2025/26! Welcome to Bristol SU Jessie! 

Student Living Officer

Lucy Pears

Manifesto Highlights:

  • Momentum; Lucy wants go into next year building on her wins from her previous term, bringing passion and experience into the role! 
  • Increased Housing Support; Lucy is keen to build on her work from this year and provide students with real housing support. 
  • Cost of Living; A big part of Lucy’s priority is to continue her work on reducing the costs on and off campus for all students. 

Lucy has been re-elected into her second term as Student Living Officer. She wants to build on her success from her first term by continuing to advocate for better housing support and reducing costs on campus!

Sports and Students Development Officer

Ella Lovibond

Manifesto Highlights:

  • Deliver Real Change; Ella wants to continue her work with the Injury Support Group, Derby Day, and the Wellbeing Champions. 
  • Enhance Wellbeing & Safety; During her current tenure, Ella has advocated for improved night-time safety, this remains a priority for her next year.  
  • Accessible Sport for All; Ella wants to promote inclusivity through more free women-only, LGBTQ+ and parasport sessions.

Ella is back for another year as the Sports and Students Development Officer! Ella brought you the Injury Support Group and has worked hard on improving night-time safety, we can’t wait to see what’s next! 

Faculty Representatives 

These students will represent their faculties, work closely with Course Reps, and drive positive change across their academic communities. This is such an important role in making sure students’ voices are heard at every level of the University.

Your Faculty Reps for 2025/26 are; 

  • Mia Jacobs for the Faculty of Arts PGR Rep
  • Francesca Blackburn for the Faculty of Arts Undergraduate Rep 


  • Abdelrahman Otify for the Faculty of Engineering PGR Rep
  • Yogadhveep Arora for the Faculty of Engineering Undergraduate Rep


  • Anna Pathmanathan for the Faculty of Health Sciences PGR Rep
  • Wiktoria Kotynska for the Faculty of Health Sciences Undergraduate Rep


  • Ahmad Bilal for the Faculty of Life Sciences PGR Rep
  • Jo-Jo Vyvyan-Jones for the Faculty of Sciences Undergraduate Rep


  • Zvikomborero Maziyanhanga for the Faculty of Science PGR Rep
  • Jordan Fung for the Faculty of Science Undergraduate Rep


  • Teo Guez for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law Undergraduate Rep
  • Mark Hilton for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law PGR Rep

Student Community Organisers 

These new positions will play a huge role in building liberation campaigns among the student body, connecting students across campus, and leading real change at Bristol SU. We’re so excited to see what they achieve in these exciting positions.

Your 2025 Student Community Organisers are:

  • Sian Clarke is your disabled students communities organiser
  • Shreya Viswanathan is your global majority communities organiser
  • Lottie Shaw is your LGBTQ+ communities organiser
  • Aimee Massara is your women’s communities organiser
  • Wendy Sun is your first of two open positions as a community organiser 
  • Sandali Wickramasinghe is your final student community organiser taking the open position. 

Chair of Student Council

This student will make sure our democratic processes remain fair, transparent, and accessible, ensuring all students have a voice in how Bristol SU is run.

Your Chair of Student Council for 2025 is 

Louis Anscombe

Student Trustees 

In this role, student trustees bring their voice and experience to the decision-making table. Working with the board, they help make decisions for the best interest of both current and future members of Bristol SU.

Your student trustees for 2025/26 are:

Shubham Kulkarni
Ismail Zarif 

Thank you so much to every candidate who ran for this year’s elections, and to everyone who cast their vote. 

You have all been integral to the success of student democracy and improving student lives and we really look forward to seeing everything you achieve next academic year!


Union Democracy

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