The time has come to meet your 2023-24 Full-Time Officer Team!
Every March in the Bristol SU Elections, you elect seven Full-Time Officers who are paid to work full-time to lead the SU for a year. Each officer represents a different area of the student body and helps to improve your experience as a University of Bristol Student!
We're so happy to introduce your Full Time Officer Team for 2023/24, and their new priorities:
Izzy Russell, Student Living Officer.
Adam Michael, Union Affairs Officer.
Saranya Thambirajah, Equality Liberation, and Access Officer.
Pat Gibbs, Sport and Student Development Officer.
Nicole Antoine, Undergraduate Education Officer.
Timber Hill, Postgraduate Education Officer.
Bakhtawar Javed, International Students Officer.
These officers also choose three main 'collective priorities' (or objectives) to focus on together for the year ahead, based on your student priorities.
The priorities for 2023/24 are now ready for you to read! You can do so here.