On 14 November, we held our first Student Council of the year! All students in elected roles were invited to discuss, debate, and vote on motions submitted by students. It was an exciting evening packed with democracy, pizza, and decisions that will change how we run as an SU! After all, any motions that pass will become active SU policy for three years.
So, let's find out the results of the Student Council, and what changes we can expect very soon...
No motions were split into parts during the Student Council.
Although seven out of eight motions passed at Student Council, if any motions were not quorate they will be ratified at AMM. More information on this will be available soon.
What is ratification?
If a motion is passed in a non-quorate meeting, it will need to be ratified at the next Democratic Meeting – in this case, AMM on the 1st of February. To ratify a motion is to make it officially part of SU Policy, which can’t be done if the motion was passed in an inquorate meeting. At the start of the meeting, the Chair will briefly present the motions and then call for a vote on whether to ratify past inquorate motion.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at: bristolsu-democracy@bristol.ac.uk