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Annual Members Meeting (AMM)

  • Democratic events logos
  • Annual Members Meeting (AMM) G42 Powell Lecture Theatre, Physics Building, BS8 1TL Tuesday 04-02-2025 - 17:00 until Tuesday 04-02-2025 - 20:00

This event has expired or is no longer available.

Annual Members Meeting (AMM)

It's the biggest democratic event of the year... the Annual Members’ Meeting! 

This is the biggest event in the democracy calendar, each year bringing together hundreds of Bristol students, to debate and decide Bristol SU policy for the next three years.

The debate can get pretty heated - and not just from the fumes of hundreds of free pizzas. Year on year, AMM sees impassioned debates on a range of issues affecting students. Remember you can vote in the priority ballot to make sure the motion you care about most gets talked about at the meeting.

Join 250+ students on Tuesday 04 February 2025 in G42 Powell Lecture Theatre, H.H. Wills Physics Building.

This event runs from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM - please arrive early to sign!

  • ALL STUDENTS can attend and vote at the meeting.
  • ANY STUDENT can submit a motion or item for discussion.


The motion window for AMM has now closed. Have a look at what has been submitted here.

How Does AMM Work?

Annual Members Meeting (AMM) is a chance for you to get your voice heard directly and help set the agenda of your Students Union. You can help submit your student ideas as motions which get debated by any student as well as renew Union policy that’s about to expire. It is your student space where no matter who you are you get to have a say on what the SU cares about.

How do motions come into existence?

A student will have a new idea on how to better their SU. They then meet with the Liberation & Campaigns Team, to help shape this into a motion. Sometimes students will be ahead of the curb and have a fully fledged motion ready to submit!

See the process on submitting motions on our Democratic Events page.

What happens with motions once approved?

Motions get sent to Democratic Standards Committee, to be approved for debate. They’ll make sure it’s appropriate to go to AMM and approve it. The students will be notified and briefed on having to propose a motion by the SU staff team.

How the debate is structured
  1. Motion proposer gives a 3 minute speech for their motion
  2. The audience has a chance to ask practical questions on the content of the motion. This is not a chance to debate the validity of the motion: it is strictly a space for you to clarify on the contents of the motion. There will be a QR code on the screen to access Mentimeter and ask your questions.
  3. You will have two minutes to submit your questions.
  4. If you want to make a statement For or Against a motion, please also use this time to make your way to the front rows. Sit on the For side if you wish to make a statement in support of the motion, and on the Against side if you wish to make a statement opposing the motion.
  5. The Chair will read out a maximum of 6 questions to the proposer, who will have a chance to answer.
  6. The Chair will call for a speech against the motion. They will have 3 minutes for their speech.
  7. If no one wishes to speak against the motion, we will move directly to voting. If someone does, the Speech Against concludes the first round of debate and kicks off the floor debate.
  • The Chair will call on the first person in the queue in the For side to come give their 1 minute statement
  • The Chair will call on the first person in the queue in the Against side to come give their 1 minute statement
  • Rinse and Repeat until everyone has spoken, or, if the debate seems to keep going, until the Chair calls for a second round of 3 minute speeches, which will conclude the debate.
  1. The Chair will call for a vote. You will vote by raising your voting card.
Why it is important to debate?

Imagine if the SU suddenly decided it was against their practice to ever support the football on, or to never host events past the month of March. It would feel pretty unfair, right? Debate is designed as a chance to hear from everyone – so we can carry on being a Union for all Students!


We are reverting to running a mostly in-person meeting. If you have any access needs that mean you are unable to join in person, please email us at by Friday 31 January and we will organise a hybrid option for you.

Bristol SU is committed to running safe and accessible events for all students. If you have any questions about access to our events please email the Bristol SU Democracy and Campaigns team at

We welcome attendees who need to bring medicines, food, or drink to manage a medical condition, or medical equipment. Please email us at or speak to a member of staff on arrival if you have any questions or concerns.

If you need to step out of this event to find a quiet space please notify a member of staff as you’re leaving so that they can let you back in.


Venue : G42 Powell Lecture Theatre, Physics Building, BS8 1TL

Type: Democratic Events, Featured Events, Membership Meetings and AGMs, Student Voice

Start Date: Tuesday 04-02-2025 - 17:00

End date: Tuesday 04-02-2025 - 20:00

Capacity: 320


Contact Details

Liberation & Campaigns Team

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