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Bristol SU World Cup 2025

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Bristol SU World Cup 2025

What is the Bristol SU World Cup?

We are hosting the second iteration of the Bristol SU World Cup Tournament in February - a 6-a-side football tournament inspired by the most watched sporting event in the world. The event will take place at Coombe Dingle on Saturday 15 February 2025 from 15:00-20:00.

How does it work?

It will be standard World cup structure - teams will compete in brackets, with the winning teams progressing to the next stage. The top 3 teams will receive medals, and the champions will have their country's name etched on the Bristol SU World Cup trophy forever. Teams will play 6-a-side but each team can have between 8-12 players to allow for substitutions.

Want to Get Involved?

Our World Cup is open to everyone, and teams can have mixed genders, we want all of our students to be able to represent and celebrate their nation, or a place that they have a connection to.

For this reason, it’s important that you only sign up to a nation that you have a connection to. Bristol SU does not tolerate cultural appropriation.

The deadline to register a team is 17 January 2025 at 17:00. The deadline to register as a player is 2 February at 23:59.

Not signed up but want to watch? You can still head up to Coombe Dingle to watch the game!

Team Sign-Ups Player Sign-Ups

How much is it?

It’s completely free! 


Venue : Coombe Dingle Sports Complex

Type: Campaigns, Featured Events, Free

Start Date: Saturday 15-02-2025 - 15:00

End date: Saturday 15-02-2025 - 20:00


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