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Bristol Pokémon Trainer Society

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Who We Are

Pokémon has one of the largest, most diverse fan communities out there. The Bristol Pokémon Trainer Society (PokéSoc) brings together fans from all different branches of the franchise; whether you’re into competitive battling, the TCG, arts and crafts, Pokémon GO or anything else, we are a platform to meet others who share your passion for Pokémon and do all kinds of fun activities! We are part of Bristol SU and meet every Thursday from 6-8pm in 5.20 Senate House.


Membership to the society costs just £5 for the whole year and gives you access to all our events, use of the Society owned Nintendo Switch and extensive collection of games, a special role on the Discord server, and a personalised Trainer Card, as well as much more!

We have a vibrant and active Discord community and this is the best way to keep in touch with what we're doing. Join here!

Our instagram is a great way to see our events. Follow here!

Contact us with our society email:


What We Do

Pokémon Society has events for everyone throughout the year. From tournaments, to quizzes, to arts and crafts, there's something for everyone at PokéSoc! Our regular socials are every Thursday from 6:00pm - 8:00pm in 5.20 Senate House. We also have additional events like Pokémon GO Community Days, collaborations with other societies like Baking Society and GameSoc, and an annual charity livestream. Bristol Pokémon Society is a member of the Inter-University Pokémon Society: a network of over 30 UK university Pokémon Societies bringing you closer to other fans of the franchise through a Discord server, summer team draft league, and All-Stars Polls.

Schedule for Teaching Block 2


Due to scheudling issues we will NOT be in our regular room in January

Thursday 16th of January - no room, BUT - Pokemon Go Walk round campus/snacks & drinks social in Wetherspoons or SU bar TBC :)

Thursday 23rd of January - NO EVENT

SATURDAY 25TH OF JANUARY - Chill Battle Night 6-8pm Stacy Room in the Richmond Building

Thursday 30th of January - HAMA BEAD GIAG SESSION Stacy Room in the Richmond Building

Every Thursday from 6:00pm - 8:00pm in Room 5.20 of the Senate House

06/02/2025 Jeopardy Quiz Show Night
13/02/2025 Valentine's Themed Tournament - Fairy type teams, mini showdown tournament
20/02/2025 Pokemon Mini Wall Decoration designing
27/02/2025 Pokemon TCG Battle Night

Affiliations and Collaborations

Pokémon Society works hard to make sure we have a broad and numerous array of events on throughout the year. Often this comes in the form of collaborations with internal and external groups. Some of those include:

Bristol Baking Society - Pokémon has never been so sweet as our collabs where we decorate cupcakes and cookies to look like your favourite Pocket Monster friends.

Anime, Sci-Fi and Fantasy Society - Previous collaborations have included karaoke and Pokémon film screenings.

BUNS - Bristol University Nerd Societies are a group of hobby based societies including GameSoc, ASF, NERF society, and of course Pokémon Society!

The Inter-University Pokémon Society - A group of over 30 UK university based Pokémon Societies that runs the ever popular summer draft league. By being part of Bristol Pokémon Society, you are entitled to be part of their Discord community too. Join here!