How is the SU Run?
It’s important you know how the Students’ Union (SU) works. So, who are we?
Well, we’re a registered company, a charity and a democratically led organisation of over 30,000 members (you, our students). We’re independent from the university and directed by Full-Time Student Officers who are elected by you each academic year. This is how we represent you, and your interests, and make sure your voice is heard and supported during your time studying at Bristol!
Your Full-Time Officers are part of a Board of Trustees, and together they hold responsibility for everything that we do. Our Board Rules and Terms of Reference help govern the Trustee Board.
We have a couple of documents that help explain how we work. These are our Articles and our Byelaws:
- Articles - We are governed by a constitution, also called our Articles. They set out rules for governing how the SU operates and this is a legal document.
- Byelaws - Our Byelaws explain how the SU operates procedurally for students. From holding elections to running clubs and societies, there’s a Byelaw for it!
We also have some Democratic Policies which were proposed by you, the students, and then reviewed by our Board of Trustees.
We're a Company and a Charity
- Bristol Students’ Union (BSU) is a company (company number 6977417) and a registered charity (charity number 1139656)
- As a charity we have a set of Charitable Objects (also known as our purpose) which we have to adhere to. Our Charitable Objects are about advancing the education of students at the University of Bristol by:
- promoting the interests and welfare of students at the University and representing, supporting and advising students;
- being a recognised representative channel of communication between students and the University, and other external bodies;
- providing social, cultural, sporting and recreational activities and forums for discussions and debate for the personal development of students
These are stated on page 4 of our Articles, our governing document.
How are we run day-to-day?
Our staff team and officer team work together to deliver our strategy, mission, vision and values. Together they run the SU on a day-to-day basis.
Every year, students are given the chance to exercise their democratic right and vote for, or run to be, one of the Full-Time Officers. They are paid a salary and work full-time for one year - representing students and making day–to-day decisions on behalf of the organisation.
How are we funded?
We receive most of our funding from the University of Bristol through aWe also raise funds through trading (buying and selling goods and services), and a small amount comes from donations and other grants. As a charity, we do not make profit - every penny made is reinvested back into the SU for the benefit of all students.
From time to time, we might spend money on work alongside other SU’s and affiliated bodies, that help us achieve our purpose.
Our audited accounts published annually, provide transparency of our spending. They are approved by the Board of Trustees.
If you would like more information on how the SU is governed visit our key documents.
Contact us
Get in touch with the Governance and Executive Manager by sending an email