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Course Rep

Time to Represent Your Course! Bristol SU Elections. Apply Now!
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  In TB1 SU Elections, course rep roles are open to first-year undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate taught (PGT) students.

Course reps work with other reps and university staff to improve the student academic experience.

They do this by representing their course-mates’ issues and priorities at to staff at course and school/department level. Usually there is at least one Rep for every course at the University – this means a system of over 900 academic reps! 

Core responsibilities as a Course Rep are: 

  • Gathering and understanding students’ opinions  
  • Regularly communicating with your peers to hear their opinions 
  • Sending out more formal surveys/questionnaires when appropriate 
  • Ensuring that you are truly representative by considering students’ varied experiences and backgrounds 
  • Attending Bristol SU democratic events such as Student Council and Annual Members Meeting, to represent your course and to contribute to university-wide student issues. 
  • Working with both staff and students to find solutions  
  • Attending Student-Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs) in your school to report findings to university staff.  
  • Working with staff to raise and resolve issues where appropriate.  
  • Working with other Course Reps to be a powerful collective voice.  
  • Communicating and working with your Faculty Rep on issues that go beyond just your course.  
  • Communicating outcomes and updates back to your course-mates  
  • Reporting results, explanations and changes back to your course-mates after meetings with university staff 
  • Reporting key successes and progress to your Faculty Rep, or directly to Bristol SU. 
View Job Pack

Time Commitment

Course Reps spend an average of 1-2 hours a week on their role during term-time. This includes fixed term commitments (such as Student-Staff Liaison Committees or Student Council) and communicating with their course-mates. 

The position runs from October 2024 – June 2025.

If you are interested in standing for this role and want to know more about what it's like on a day-to-day basis, email us.  

Time to Represent Your Course! Bristol SU Elections. Apply Now!