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MTB - Music Theatre Bristol

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Hairspray Theatre Trip

We are going on a trip to the Bristol Hippodrome to watch the UK Tour of Hairspray on Thursday 27th February (7:30pm show)

Tickets are in the Upper Circle and are available to MTB Members! (They are also cheaper than the average ticket due to a group ticket discount and subsidisation from the society)

You have to come to the show with MTB and meet us outside the venue before the show to get in as it is a group ticket - you will not get an individual ticket sent to you.

Tickets are limited so buy quick if you want to come!


Venue : Bristol Hippodrome

Type: Performing Arts, Social

Start Date: Thursday 27-02-2025 - 19:00

End date: Tuesday 01-04-2025 - 22:00


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