Mega Menu

Event Gallery

Which Fizz is the Biz? -- Prosecco

The first in our new series of sparkling wine tasting evenings. All bottles had had their labels removed in favour of letters and each of the 8 proseccos was evaluated in a number of categories by members present with additional comparisons made between pairings with Grana Padano and Brie de Mieux. The Champions of the evening were a 2023 Canti and a 2021 Mionetto.

Winter Formal

Our first ever Winter Formal was hosted (in conjunction with the Bristol Univeristy Swing Society) at the Square Club on Wednesday 3rd December 2024. 67 people turned out in dinner jackets and cocktail dresses. Unfortunately, the photographs seem to have disappeared...

Pub Night Collage

Each week this Michaelmas term we have hosted a pub night on a variety of days at differing locations.

Images to follow

September 2024 -- The Return

We returned for the start of our first proper year in Bristol with two "Give it a Go!" events. The first was held in Clifton Hill House; the second, the Queen's Building Roof Terrace.

The finale, the soirée, was hosted in the CHH gardens at 18:30 on Friday 7th June to great success. A splash out event, we had live jazz piano, too much quality wine, proper cheese, venison pâtés, the finest Scottish smoked salmon, quiche and freshly baked scones for delectable cream teas!


Event number three, a fondue luncheon, took place on Tuesday 4th June from 13:15 - 16:10 in one of the Clifton Hill House study rooms as the weather turned against us at the last possible second, causing us to abandon our garden plans! Twenty four people came and (although three ended up crystallising in the move indoors) enjoyed a vintage Gouda, vintage and new Gouda, emmental and Gruyère and emmental, Gruyère and Comte fondue with copious quantities of Prosecco.



Our second event, a fondue evening, took place on Saturday 11th May from 19:00 - 22:30 in the sumptuous gardens of Clifton Hill House. Twenty five people made the trip to experience the difference between a Gouda fondue, a Gruyère fondue and a Comte fondue.

Our first event, a cheese tasting, took place on Thursday 18th April from 19:15-21:00 on the Roof Terrace of the Queen's Building. Forty people came for a somewhat chaotic indulgence in the world of cheese; a selection from all periods of cheese history, from Ossau-Iraty (thought to be one of the very first cheeses) with its mythic legend to Applewood Cheddar (from less that 60 years ago).

The weather did not follow the forecast, in true Bristol fashion, and instead of a still, beautiful sunset, we found an overcast, windy and -- all in all -- rather brisk plateau in which our cheese scarcely stayed attached to the Earth.